Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I have officially decided to write this blog about anything, instead of just questions that don't really have an answer. So to start off my "new" blog, I have decided to to 101 in friends are doing this too and this is where I got the idea. Im not real sure how well this will work out, but I thought I would give it a try. So here goes:
101 in 1001

1. Eat something that I can't pronounce the name 
2. Tyr 2 different foods from 2 different countries. (0/2)
3. Invent 5 different foods and actually eat them. (0/5)
4. Make a foreign food recipe
5. Eat 5 veggies during one meal
6. Cook an entire meal
7. Bake a dessert (cake) from scratch
8. Go out to eat, and only order dessert.
9. Have my mom blind fold me and get me to eat food that I have never had before
10. Make bread from scratch.

11. Travel somewhere and take pictures of everything (literally).
12. Visit Florida
13. Go mountain climbing
14. Go on a subway
15. Go on vacation with only my friends ( maybe one parent...)
16. Visit the beach and actually swim farther than knee deep
17. Go on a train
18. Find 5 new bands
19. Read 10 new books.
20. Watch 10 new movies.
21. Write either a song, book, or play
22. Go through a drive through (Burger King) and ask where the nearest McDonald's is.
23. Go skiing
24. Go to a drive in theater.
25. Go to the museum
26. Have a nerf gun war
27. See a play on Broadway
28. Go see a movie premiere at midnight.
29. Watch the sun rise and set
30. Go to the spa with some friends.
31. Go on a picnic with friends
32. Drive around in a nun costume and listen to rap
33. Build an igloo
34. Swim with fish (maybe fake?)
35. Dress up like characters from a movie and go around saying random lines from the movie in front of complete strangers.
36. Visit the Zoo
37. Meet someone famous
38. Actually exercise.
39. Run a 5k
40. Do more toning exercises (8 minute abs)
41. Work on Pilates
42. Build Muscle
43. Just goof off while dancing 

44. Volunteer as much as I can
45. Meet a celebrity
46. Surprise a stranger by paying for their meal
47. Update my blog as often as I can
48. Get a job (Kroger here I come...)
49. Engage in more activities and clubs
50. Go an entire day without talking (unless absolutely necessary)
51. Take lots of pictures!
52. Go one week without getting on Facebook
53. Treat myself to an outfit or something
54. Learn sign language
55. Learn how to use PhotoShop
56. Learn to play the piano
57. Ride in a hot air balloon
58. Help out and talk to cancer kids
59. Keep a journal of my days for a year
60. Start a collection of some type
61. Visit Georgetown
62. Save up for a car/college

63. Be on the honor roll every quarter during high school.
64. Graduate high school in the top 15
65. Get a scholarship to Georgetown and go there for college.
For others
66. Give a gift to a friend "just because"
67. Compliment a stranger.
68. Do a chore around the house even thought I'm not asked.
69. Do something nice for someone anonymously.
70. Make cupcakes for the homeless
71. Leave a 100% tip to a server.
72. Help make someone's life better
73. Save up $50 and donate it to a charity.
74. Volunteer at Ronal McDonald House. :D
75. Donate blood
76. Help in any way I can with feeding the hungry
77. Volunteer at Children's Hospital

For myself
78. Get a massage
79. Dye my hair
80. Get my hair professionally styled
 81. Drive to the mall and just shop by myself.
82. Get my drivers license.
83. Go to bed at 9
84. Get my ears double pierced
85. Get my eyebrows waxed
86. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.

87. Find & read a book that impacts my life.
88. Pray every night before bed
89. Find a quote that I love and hang it on my wall.
90. Write a letter to God and send it to him on a balloon
91. Listen fully at Mass
92. Come into school after hours and write inspirational/feel good messages on all the mirrors in the bathroom/make post-it-notes for every locker/homeroom desk
93. Keep my room clean
94. Organize a huge collage and hang in on my wall
95. Go through and get rid of old clothes

96. Make a cup or some kind of pottery
97. Make a blanket out of old t-shirts
98. Make a scrapbook
99. Make play-doh
100. Take photos
101. Make ice cream and cake from scratch
well, I hope this is okay. Hahaha some of them should be pretty fun...Sorry for stealing some from my friends;)


  1. I think you, me, and Nicci have a lot of the same ones here......HAHAHAHA

  2. HAHHAAHA number 22 killed me. & lets face'll never swim with fish even if they are fake. you stole a lot from me, but i stole a lot from allison. haha oh well (:
