Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe in soul mates? If so, surely you believe in life? I believe in soul mates and destiny. Abortion takes away one more person in the world. What if the baby you aborted is the soul mate to someone in the world. Killing that baby takes away someone's soulmate.
My best friend and I have been friends for 11 years. If she had been aborted I don't know where I would be. Everyone has someone special in their life. Abortion takes away that important someone.
What would have happened if Alexander Fleming (discovered penicillin)  had been aborted? Or if any other influential person of our time had been killed before they had the chance to live...where would the world be?
The next child, a human being, that is aborted could be the person to save the world, discover the cure for cancer, or some other milestone in life.
I believe in LIFE and to be pro-choice is to be pro-murder. These are just my thoughts and personal opinions.

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