Tuesday, September 28, 2010




a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/name)
A name is something that you are known as. But a name is what is known as you. You define a name; the name does not define you. Your actions set yourself up for acknowledgement. Would you want to be acknowledged as someone who made a difference, who made the difference needed, or the one whose name has yet to be defined? Every name is forever remembered by a different number of people. Certain people are remembered because of their attitude, their words, their changes, their companions, their choices. Other people are remembered as "that" person; the one who never talked, never joined groups; never really had any other friends. These are the people who everyone either calls just "him" or "her". Then there are the people in between these two groups. These are the people who others know, but just can't remember their name. Like the title of a song, or a movie. There is no title for these people. They're called by their first name, then snaps of fingers to show that someone is trying to come up with their last name.
A name lives on forever, even though the human body does not. Your name is who you are. Define it the way you want to be forever remembered.


  1. Your blog really makes me think. It makes me realize many things I never would have realized before.

  2. thank you! this is what I aim for! This makes me really happy that you said this
