Monday, December 20, 2010

Sign Language

There is something about sign language that makes me wish I could sign and/or read lips. I am partially deaf in both ears and its not too serious, but if it gets any worse I will have hearing aids. But I'm okay with that...because then I could talk my mom into letting me learn sign language. Last year, I went through an obsession with sign language (before I knew about my hearing impairment) and tried to teach myself how to sign. it didn't really work out too well, but I never forgot how much I loved learning and how good it made me feel.
After read The Five Flavors of Dumb by Anthony John, I became re-obsessed with sign language. I just checked out a ton of books from the library about sign language so I could teach myself how to sign. I am also asking my mom to sign me up to learn how to sign for my birthday.
There is just something about using your hands to talk that makes me feel happy. Its such a hard thing to explain, but it just feels right. It feels so much better than talking. Using your hands to talk just seems so much more personal, to me anyway. You can change your voice so it shows no emotion, but with your hands you can always tell when someone is mad, or happy, or nervous. Its called body langauge. If you are happy, your hands could be moving faster and so much lighter. If your mad all the motions are hard and straight. Or when you are nervous they might shake.
I guess you could call it ironic that the girl who is obsessed with sign language finds out that she is hearing impaired. And while its hard to ask someone to repeat themself 5 times before you kind of understand what they are saying, I'm okay with it. It would be so much better than being blind. If I were blind, it would be like missing the whole world. Like never being able to see the beauty that can be found. Sound is just noise and while it can be pretty, its nothing compared to sight. And if you describe a scene with just the right words, you can hear music or sound within the words.

Friday, December 10, 2010

So Much to Do , So Much to See

There are so many places in the world, so many things to do, to see, to experience. And we only have one life. So what do we do with it? Do we spend it in school? Do we spend it making a "living"? Do we spend it going from home to work to home daily just truding along? Or do we spend it being happy, grateful, and opening? We can't experience everything in the world. But we can experience the world that is in everything. Just look right outside your window and look across. What do you see? It may be dark and gloomy, but you have to make something out of it. You have to imagine things, something to make everything better. So many people are depressed, and the best medicine is imagination. Because you can imagine a happier world. Just look towards tomorrow. Because eventually, nothing can get worse. Because there is a low, and once you hit it, you have to go back up. There is a huge world, right in the middle of our little world. But we have to be the change in OUR little world to make the huge world different and happy.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Have you ever felt like your all alone? Like there is no one in the world who even gives a crap? Like maybe it would be easier to just give up? To cry in your room and drown in your sorrows? Well I feel like that. I'm losing it, I'm losing everything. I messed up and there is so reversing what has been done. I'm hated and alone. But its what I do with that lonliness and sadness that will count in the end. I just have to take it one day at a time.

Monday, November 29, 2010

So Many Different Things

Sometimes, when I look at people, I wonder what it would be like to live their life. What it would be like to be tall, short, pretty, old, young again, or even a different sex. I was given one life to live and so was anyone else. We can't live anyone else's life. I look at people and I wish that I could change places with them; just to experience what it would be like. I want to know what it would be like to be famous. To walk out the door and have camera's always flashing. To have the money to throw around on nothing. I want to know what it is like to live in a different country and not know anything different from those customs. To view the world in a different way. I want to know what it would be like to be blind, deaf, autistic, or anything else in between. Everyone is different and only has one life. And I wonder what I am missing by living my life.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be dead. What it would be like to look down from heaven and witness everything differently. To see my friends from a different view. To see what exactly people are doing. To know just how much people are hurting.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a different person, so I can know what they are feeling when they look at me or someone or something else. I wonder what it would be like if I was a different person.

Monday, November 22, 2010

No Title

Recently I've noticed time passing faster and faster and I wonder when did the day become shorter? Lately, I haven't had the time to stop, slow down and relax. Life has been moving from one place to the next with no down time in between. I'm sure most people's lives are like this, but as a teenager it worries me. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be like? No time for friends or family, or even myself? No time to read a book, watch a show, read the newspaper, or "smell the roses"? High school is a never ending week. I move from class to class to practice to home to dinner to homework to bed. And then the process is repeated.
I watch my parents come home with the same thing (but still different- go to work, work, come home, worry about work, go to sleep). Is this what my life is going to be like? With my schedule I don't have time to worry about much or thank God for what I have. Because at least I have time to pass or time to spend. Some people spend their days alone in a hospital bed. Others are dead. But I never have time to think about this. I want to enjoy life, because life is short. And that is expressed everyday in my "12" hour day.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Just Thinking

I recently just finished reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. And I have to really made me think. It contains some really anti-religious aspects that made me think. But instead of drawing me away from my faith, it brought me closer. There are so many things that Dan Brown brings to attention that had never crossed my mind. It was such a well-reasearched book, I would keep forgetting that it was fiction. The book has multpile tabs in it that I want to talk about.
Have you ever wondered why there is so much destruction and hate in the world? I have and I could only think of one answer: "Because God wants us to be stronger." And in a way this could be true. Dan Brown says mostly the same thing in a different and more logical way. You dont have to believe this, but I believe this is the answer I was looking for.
"'Terrible things happen in this world. Human tragedy seems like proof that God could not spossible be both all-powerful and well-meaning. If He loves us and has the power to change our situation, He would precent our pain, wouldn't He?'"
The camerlengo frowned. "'Would He?'"
..."Well...if God loves us, and He can protect us, He would have to. It seems He is either omnipotent and uncaring, or benevolent and powerless to help.'"
"Do you have children, Lietenant?"
Chartrand flushed. "No, signore."
"Imagine you had an eight-year-old son...would you love him?"
"Of course."
"Would you do everything in your power to precent pain in his life?"
"Of course."
"Would you let him skateboard?"
..."Yeah, I guess," Chartrand said. "Sure, I'd let him skateboard, but I'd tell him to be careful."
"So as this child's father, you would give hiim some basic, good advice and then let him go off and make his own mistakes?"
"I wouldn't run behind him and mollycoddle him if that's what you mean."
"But what if he fell and skinned his knee?"
"He would learn to be more careful."
The camerlengo smiled. "So although you have the power to interfere and prevent your child's pain, you would choose to show your love by letting him learn his own lessons?"
"Of course. Pain is part of growing up. It's how we learn."
The camerlengo nodded. "Exactly." (361-362)
Brown, Dan. Angels and Demons. New York: ATRIA BOOKS, 2000.
So basically this is saying that God has the power, but human suffering is something that we must overcome it by ourselves. People always want their own independence and they want to do something by their self, but when the going gets tough...they look for some to help. Yes, we all need help every once in awhile, but we must fix our own problems. God is not just someone who is there just to help you. You have to help him also. He needs everyone to help end human suffering. Human suffering is the result of humans. God needs the help of the creators of human suffering to end it.
There is alot more I could say about this topic, but I will leave it for another time. I highly recommend Angels and Demons. It was well-writtened and if you want something that makes you think...this is perfect.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Road Traveled

Have you ever wondered how many people haves stepped in the same places you have? How many foot prints have been covered up? How many different stories started, ended, climaxed, right where you are?
So many people have walked in the same places you have and no one has an identical story. Perhaps the person before you has a deep dark secret. Perhaps the person behind you is using a mask. Perhaps there have been thousands of people in the same spot as you and they all had one thing in mind and it never happened.
They say to take the road less traveled, but in this case, maybe it is better to take the road traveled. We learn from people's mistakes; and how could you learn from a road that was less traveled? We learn from the mistakes of the people before us. We learn not to take a "right" there. We learn not to take "two" steps forward.
Its great to not do the same thing as everyone else, but taking the road traveled teaches you.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Something Else to Think About

Another thing to think about: maybe some of the things that are invented or come up with today don't seem as interesting because we live in this time period. As in, maybe the people in the old days didn't thing the invention of the wheel was a great accomplishment, but we think it is now. Could the things we do now truly amaze the people of the next generation?
     -Allison *****
It could be possible. The things and accomplishments seem like nothing to us because we live with them everyday. Have you ever stopped and wondered about X-Ray machinees? Or the cancer treatment of Radiation? Both of these use the same science as nuclear how do we not die or get sick everytime we get an X-Ray? Or the microwave. That sends off waves also. The computer is possibly one of the complex inventions used by everyday people. They have the programming to be smarter than the person using it, if it could possibly work on its own. We never stop to think about the inventions around us and marvel at their complexity. We live with them everyday so we are accustomed to them.
Yet some of the things invented or discovered hundreds of years ago seem spectacular. How could people invent/discover something of that difficulty with their limited reasearch tools?  People only understand what they can comprehend. We "understand" computers and microwaves and other things because we can comprehend on some level as to why or how it was made. We understand that we have the tools and knowledge to invent these. Since we have not lived for hundreds and hundreds of years, we cannot understand how things were invented long ago. If this is true (which I believe it is possible) and we lived for all eternity, inventions would never seem surprising or amazing.

Old Things

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
      -Goo Goo Dolls. Iris
This basically explains itself. Just read it. Now read it again. Now think for a minute. Then read between the lines. These lyrics mean something to me that is different from what it means to you. So whatever it is, just think about it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So Complex

Have you ever wondered about your memories? Where are they stored? How do you remember? Are they pysical things? The brain is complex (in case you haven't noticed I'm obsessed with the brain) and we can't understand it. The other day I heard/read about brain/body transplants. How could this be possible?
I watched a video of a scientist who experimented with removing a brain and actually keeping it 'alive'. It sent off brain waves and was essentially 'working', but what does this mean? Another scientist removed the head of one monkey and placed it on the head of lived and functioned for 7 days before the body rejected the head. Since ape anatomy is so similar to human anatomy, brain/whole body transplants could futuristically be possible.
But what does this mean for thoughts and memories? If you were brain dead and you received a brain transplant, does this mean that all your thoughts and memories are gone? Are you a completely different person? Would you think differently? Walk differently? Speak differently?
The brain controls all parts of the body, so could you possibly be able to run faster? Drive better? Be smarter? And how do religions view this idea? When does this become too much? When is 'enough'?


There is a girl I know who is an atheist. Yet she believes in exorcisms; which are used "to expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration or religious or solemn ceremonies: to exorcise a demon." ( So she believes that demons exist...but she doesn't believe in angels or the goodness of God?
How can this be? You can't have evil without good, if you did it wouldn't be evil, it would be reality. So it confused me. How can you say you believe in one thing without believing in the other? If I said I believe in life, then obviously I must believe in death. If I believe in light, then obviously there must be dark. The sun, the moon. Good, evil.
Our world is so full of opposites, and without them there would be no world. You must have one thing to have the other. Thus, when she says she believes in demons, then she must believe in angels/good?

Have You Ever Wondered?

Have you ever wondered how people figured out math equations? How they created them? How scientific advancements were discovered? How did people perform math without calculators? How could people understand anything?
Maybe people today aren't as smart as people were centuries ago. Today, most people can look anything up on the internet or do their homework on the calculator. Centuries ago everything was done by hand. These were new explorations; there was no one to check your work with. Everything was discovered on hunches and random theories to explain the world and how it works.
Since so much is already discovered and the things we discover today are just mainly improvements, then what does this mean for our society today? Is the human race gradually becoming dumber? Are we subconciously making ourselves dumb?
Today, in class, people would ask the dumbest questions (and when teachers say there are no dumb questions--they are lying), like "Where's Dutch?" For the record, there is no country called Dutch. The country is the Netherlands. Some people don't know that New England is not in Europe...And I wonder how people passed grade school. (I'm not trying to say you are dumb; more the opposite actually. The average person does not know these answers, so what my point is, is that the term 'average' could, in fact, be decreasing in meaning)
In today's society everything is done for us. We don't have to memorize anything, and if we forget something, we just have to look it back up on the internet. Humans today are so lazy, that I wouldn't be surprised if everything was done through technical advancements. Meaning, people just sit around and have computers do everything for us.
I know that the English language is butchered every day, and I know I do it too. Using 'like' and 'umm' between everything thought. No body knows how to write or type proper English anymore. No one can do anything for themselves in today's world. So is it possible that everything our ancestors have worked for, stood for, died for, be deteriorating? Is the civilization of our world dying?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


My friend and I had a discussion about religion and which religion is right. Well, what do you believe?
I believe in God, the Father the Almighty. But some believe in Buddha, Allah, or many gods and goddesses. But who is right? Because all believers think that they're religion is correct. I like to think that my God is the only, but what if I was wrong? So my theory for the correct religion is that all religions are the same....except they were interpreted differently. We all have different cultures, so naturally we interpret things differently. So who is to say that all religions aren't just different forms of the same people? They have different names and images, but the theory is believable. So think about your religion....

Is this too much?

I am grateful for our medical advancements and how much we have learned from studying the world. But have you ever wondered if, perhaps, our body, mind, genetics, universe, religions, and other questions go unanswered because they aren't meant to be answered? Have you ever wondered if they were made so complicated and complex because we aren't meant to figure out what the answers? Are we supposed to just live our lives and be happy and not worry ourselves over these unanswerable questions? There are so many questions that start with "Why" and the best answer that can be given for many of these "Why" questions is just simply "Because"...because that's the way its always been, thats the way it was made, thats just the way it is. Perhaps these questions are better left unanswered.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Monday: "I would like to pray for world peace."
Tuesday: "I would like to pray for world peace."
Wednesday: "I would like to pray for world peace."
Thursday: "I would like to pray for world peace."
Friday: "I would like to pray for world peace."
Saturday: "I would like to pray for world peace."
Sunday: "I would like to pray for world peace."

Everyday people all over the world pray for world peace. I admit, even I pray for world peace. But unfortunately, world peace is not possible (unless you believe in God, then everything is possible...which I do, I'm just trying to write this in an objective tone.). World peace isn't possible because because people all over the world differ (which is a good thing). If we wanted wars to stop, bullying, killings, robberies, and all other awful things that happen in our society every day, then every should be the same. We clash because of our religion, ideas, culture, language, heritage, everything that makes us different. If we wanted wars betwee n coutries, then each culture needs to be the same. And nobody wants that. As much as I want world peace, it may not happen until a miracle happens.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chromosomes (Adam and Eve)

So there are 46 chromosomes in the human body (23 pairs).They come from your mom and dad. So, if you believe in Adam and Eve (being the first two people on earth) then you must believe they populated the whole world? Am I right? Because this is how some are taught. They are the parents of all. The chromosomes are arranged in numerous ways. With the amount of people on earth today, there are millions of possibilities for the arrangement of the chromosomes. There seems to be no limit.
But what of the people at the time of Adam and Eve? They had a limited amount of chromosomes to populate the world. So does this mean that at one point, the arrangement of chromosomes happened to be identical? That out there in the world, there seemed to be two identical copies of a person? This would have happened because of the limited, NOT Unlimited possibilities of arrangments.
Could this also mean that maybe, even today, there is someone in the world, of billions, there is someone that looks like you? (They may look like you, but they can't possible think like you- read my other posts on personalities and the brain if you don't know what I'm talking about)
And even if this is true (which I'm not saying it is, I'm just stating my thoughts) it doesn't make you not unique. Uniqueness is something of the brain. NO ONE has a copy exactly like it (even if it is infulenced by your parents- you still have the ability to perceive everything differently from your parents).
So think, could this be true? Or do I just have a strange brain that comes up with random, puzzling things to talk about as if it was my job?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Carefully Taught

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
 From: ]

Have you every wondered how you came upon your opinions? Have you ever wondered why you hate? Why you love? Have you ever wondered what makes
You were created by your mother and your father, so naturally you share some of their qualities. But perhaps you could share something even more? It is true that at conception you have your own that makes you your own person. So, of course, you aren't born have to taught how to be a person. Whoever you grow up with helps to shape you to become the person you are today.
So while you are your own person, you are also your parents (guardians) person. They present you to their favorite things, shaping you to like the same things perhaps.
So while you aren't born hating, loving, caring, mean, rude, or anything else. You are taught to be these things. So think about it.....what makes

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whatever YOU Make of It

Time passes
Moves too slow
Time comes
But never waits
Time slows as you watch
The bright lights
Blinding touch
That feeling
You'll never forget
Time slows, but It doesn't stop

Is there more?

Have you ever realized that the only thing that people look forward to everyday is coming home? It's the highlight of our day. The moment we look forward to. The time we wait for the hand of the clock to hit 2:34, or 6:30, or 7:00. It's our time of rest.
But is this all there is to life? Work/School then home? Does it never change? Is this all there is to life?
Have you ever wondered what you want to do with your life? Some people say they want to live, like really live. They want to go skydiving, or bungee jumping, or they want to visit a foreign country. But when does anyone have time do this anymore? There is no more time in the day for families to sit down and eat/talk together. There are no such things anymore as Family Movie Nights. Or if there are, people wonder where they get all their time from.
But sometimes there always seems to be too much time. As if you don't have enough to do to fill up the empty space in your day. Why isn't there any in-between?
Why were we created just to go from work to home to work again? Is this all there is to life?
I hope not because there is so much in the world to see and do.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010




a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known. (
A name is something that you are known as. But a name is what is known as you. You define a name; the name does not define you. Your actions set yourself up for acknowledgement. Would you want to be acknowledged as someone who made a difference, who made the difference needed, or the one whose name has yet to be defined? Every name is forever remembered by a different number of people. Certain people are remembered because of their attitude, their words, their changes, their companions, their choices. Other people are remembered as "that" person; the one who never talked, never joined groups; never really had any other friends. These are the people who everyone either calls just "him" or "her". Then there are the people in between these two groups. These are the people who others know, but just can't remember their name. Like the title of a song, or a movie. There is no title for these people. They're called by their first name, then snaps of fingers to show that someone is trying to come up with their last name.
A name lives on forever, even though the human body does not. Your name is who you are. Define it the way you want to be forever remembered.

Monday, September 27, 2010


In today's world, moeny is power. And power is money. If you are a big believer in the supremacy of the brain, then perhaps you believe in it's ability to control everything you do. So, are you programmed to want the job you have your sights set on? Or are you programmed to want the job with the most money? Do you believe that in our brains, there is a part of it that says "Be a doctor. Be a dentist. Be a  politician."? Or do you believe that society has influenced and manipulated  your brain to think in terms of money? Has society influenced you to like certain foods? Movies? Music? People? Has society influenced our very person, from the day we were born, to shape who we have become?
If you ask yourself these questions...then you must surely ask yourself this:  How much of your brain and your thoughts, you? And how much of it is society's influence?
Is it possible that who you are now is not who you are supposed to be? Is it possible that society has a hand in every choice, thought, action, opinion that you have? Is it possible that you don't think about a job because it's what you love; is it just because of the money?

_____ of Dying

I am not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of  not living to the fullest before I die.
When someone says they're afraid of dying, are they really? Or are they actually afraid of not fulfilling their dreams? Are they afraid they shall never have a family? A career? A love? Are they afraid of missing out of the future? Are they afraid of not seeing themselves grow old?
I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill my dreams of having a family, being an pediatric oncologist, of saving lives so people won't be afraid of living to the fullest.
I believe death puts life into a new perspective. People look at life differently when their life is threatened. They have so many things to do before they die, that they're afraid of dying before they get to do these things.
Every day should be an adventure; you should go out of your way to learn something new (maybe even pointless), make someone's day better, or just do something crazy (but smart). Tomorrow could be the last, but when you look towards it, are you scared? Are you scared that you won't see it? Or are you scared because you haven't gone skydiving, or bungee jumping, or something else?
I am not afraid of dying. I'm afraid that while I'm living, people will forget me.
I am not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of living in a world where people kill.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How does the brain work?

When you read something, is there a voice in your head that says the words for you? Does the voice change depending on the type? Read this and think about it:
doesthevoicechangewhenitypelikethis? or     how     about     this? OR what ABOUT this? or.maybe.this?  does the pitch or something else change if I type like this:
What                  Now               I               Like
         Happens               When          Type           This?
Does the brain register the difference in typing? Or is that you thinking that the pitch and speed change? How much of reading or anything else is you thinking...or how the brain registers? How does the brain look at something and register it? How much of our brain is used? How much of the brain is useless? How much is the scary part? Do we all have a part capable of something horrendous? Since pyschopaths are certifiably ill...does that mean they are using a different part of their brain then the rest of us? Do the geniuses use more of their brain? Or just use it in a different way? Are we all capable of controlling our brain? Or could it perhaps control us? There are so many questions and perhaps every one of use knows the just might be hidden in the part of the brain we don't use.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Paper faces on parade.
Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
Every face a different shade.
Look around -
there's another
mask behind you!
How many people actually show their true person? How many people are their real selves? Who hides themselves to protect themselves, or others? Look around you...who's wearing the mask? Perhaps you are one of them. How can any person be themselves when everyone is so judgemental?  Everyone has secrets so why is every so suprised when they come out? Each person has something that they hold to themselves to keep a hold of their own person. Our masks are our protection, safety, our home perhaps. So don't be surprised when someone has multiple masks.
Some masks are ugly, ruined, perfect, scratched, melting, cracked. What is yours? Your actions define who you don't be the ugly mask.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What is Love?

What is love?
Is it a word?
Is it a thing?
It’s an action
It’s an emotion
It’s undying
Never letting go
Even through death
And all hardships


Last night, I didn't dream. But, according to scientists, you dream everynight; even if you don't remember it. So i began to ponder dreams. Here are some of my questions and thoughts:
What is a dream? What is its purpose? What exactly is happening?
The definition of a dream is a "succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep". ( means that a dream is random, nothing important, something that occurs "just because". They could be the unconcious emotions or thoughts from the day. Or perhaps they aren't random. Perhaps they could mean something besides the hollow leftover actions in the mind.
What if a dream was something to warn of something forthcoming in your life? What if a dream was images to counsel you of future hardships, joys, or dangers?
What if you there were identical copies of you in other dimensions? What if the dream you had at night is the day's events of someone, or you, in another dimension? Yes, perhaps dreams are just random or thoughts of your unconcious mind, but what if it were something more? There are so many possible answers to these questions, yet no one has any clue as to what the images and thoughts of dreams could mean.
In a dream your brain is just administering activity. It is doing nothing more than what happens when you are thinking during the day. Its nothing special. But what if it was...?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe in soul mates? If so, surely you believe in life? I believe in soul mates and destiny. Abortion takes away one more person in the world. What if the baby you aborted is the soul mate to someone in the world. Killing that baby takes away someone's soulmate.
My best friend and I have been friends for 11 years. If she had been aborted I don't know where I would be. Everyone has someone special in their life. Abortion takes away that important someone.
What would have happened if Alexander Fleming (discovered penicillin)  had been aborted? Or if any other influential person of our time had been killed before they had the chance to live...where would the world be?
The next child, a human being, that is aborted could be the person to save the world, discover the cure for cancer, or some other milestone in life.
I believe in LIFE and to be pro-choice is to be pro-murder. These are just my thoughts and personal opinions.


nor·mal-conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

I hate the word, normal. Who sets the standard for normal? Who says people aren't normal? What is considered normal?
All the people who make fun of others because they aren't "normal", does that mean they're normal? Because if that’s normal than I don't want to be normal. It's not "normal" to call someone names, to make fun of them, to make them feel bad. We were all born the same so what makes people abnormal?
If normal is what everyone strives for where would we have all the people who are their own person? Who would be important to us because they aren't afraid to be different? If everyone were the definition of "normal" everyone would be the same. What's the point of "being your own person" if no one could be?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Why do people change?
Why do people differ?
Why do people die?
Why do people live?
To Laugh
To Cry