Thursday, November 4, 2010

Road Traveled

Have you ever wondered how many people haves stepped in the same places you have? How many foot prints have been covered up? How many different stories started, ended, climaxed, right where you are?
So many people have walked in the same places you have and no one has an identical story. Perhaps the person before you has a deep dark secret. Perhaps the person behind you is using a mask. Perhaps there have been thousands of people in the same spot as you and they all had one thing in mind and it never happened.
They say to take the road less traveled, but in this case, maybe it is better to take the road traveled. We learn from people's mistakes; and how could you learn from a road that was less traveled? We learn from the mistakes of the people before us. We learn not to take a "right" there. We learn not to take "two" steps forward.
Its great to not do the same thing as everyone else, but taking the road traveled teaches you.

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